Sunday, November 13, 2005

Remember Pete Rose?

Pete Rose was forefer banned from Major League Baseball for betting on games. He denied he bet on the games for years. Some time back, though, Pete made a confession, of sorts. He said that what he did was wrong. The comments he made, though, didn't resonate too strongly, because baseball fans across the country already knew what he did was wrong.

President Bush, through his National Security Advisor, admitted that we were wrong about the WMDs in Iraq. He also insisted that there was no disinformation or withholding of intelligence designed to mislead or deceive the American people. This confession, that Iraq had no WMDs and our intelligence was wrong is quite similar to Pete Rose. It doesn't help very much, because we already know what they're saying. It provides a scant bit of assistance to the credibility factor for the administration, as they are admitting that they did err, and chose not to change the story or the party line. For that, they deserve credit. However, that's only part of the equation. This is a necessary first step at damage control; there are many more that need to follow.

One good next step would be an apology to those Veterans whsoe service he forsook in exchange for a partisan speech last Friday. Somehow, I doubt that will come any time soon.

1 comment:

Steve said...

I imagine it's close to what happened with New Coke. The CEO wanted to change it and had information that it tested better than regular coke, and thus ignored people who warned it would not go the way he planned or that it wasn't as good as the original, etc. It's something that happens everywhere, not just in politics.