Friday, May 19, 2006

Movie Night

We've decided over the past month or so to implement family movie night on Fridays. I think it's going all right; not necessarily well. The kids enjoy picking the movie, but it's still a challenge getting all the family to sit down together.

Tonight's family movie was Brother Bear. It's all right for Disney Fare. I think it's one of the best Disney flicks of this century (not including the Pixar stuff, which is by far superior). The Boy liked it and actually sat through it all. He can usually be counted on this when he picks the movie, which for the first time since March was not Narnia.

The other two, however, felt that movie night was code for "go upstairs to mommy and daddy's room and play 'tackle' on their bed while mommy tries to rest after a hard day volunteering at our brother's school's Field Day." You can see how the confusion arose, obviously.

I, in the meantime, worked some more on my paper. I'm about 2/3 to 3/4 of the way finished, save editing. I should be able to complete it this weekend and get it mailed off on Monday. Nothing like waiting to the last possible minute to get the work done. Perhaps I am a lawyer, after all.

Now, we're watching "Without a Clue," a charming Sherlock Holmes movie from the late '80s. It stars Michael Caine as Holmes and Ben Kingsley as Watson. It's one of the cleverer movies written in the last 20 years; much more so than most of what Hollywood has put out in the last five + years. If you get the chance, I recommend it. but pay attention, the wit is wry at times.


Flea said...

What a nice idea, Friday movies!
Will try the one you recommend.
We saw 'With out a paddle' recently on dvd, it was very funny and relaxing.
Good luck on the papers!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are continuing a family tradition. Do you remember snuggling into your sleeping bag on Friday night to watch old Abbot and Costello movies on tv? (pre-vcr, of course) Some popcorn and kool-aid and you have a party. The younger ones will get there, although their interpretation of movie night is very creative. Give them all kisses for me, and my total respect to your long-suffering wife. :-D