Monday, December 30, 2019

Holy Frijoles!

Years ago, my friend Susan was kind enough to share with me her mother's bulgoki recipe.  It's as authentic as any recipe I own (she had to guesstimate the measurements because it was all by feel). It's a family favorite and something I make on special-ish occasions. 

A week or so before out office's holiday break, we determined we should have a potluck.  The team decided to do a mexican theme with a request to bring "your favorite mexican recipe."  Living up in the PNW now, "favorite mexican" apparently meant "corn chips and salsa" for most folks.  I decided to commit, though.  I texted one of my friends from law school and asked her if she had a favorite mexican recipe I could use.  She suggested Frijoles Charras - beans. 

It was a great suggestion.  Not only that, but she was kind enough to share her family's recipe.  Such an awesome recipe, and it was very popular among my coworkers.  So much so, we didn't have enough left for any full meals at home afterwards. 

I made up for that today - making some frijoles for dinner.

Man, they are good. 

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