Thursday, July 15, 2010

Binders Finished

I finished the last of the binders I received for work today. The time to complete these have dropped down significantly over the past couple of weeks as I've started getting the hang of things.

I now have to wait to get 1: new binders on which to work and 2: paid. I'm perhaps a little more concerned about getting 2 right now.

Beyond that, after seeing that my writing style apparently most often resembles David Foster Wallace, I decided to pick up a copy of his opus, Infinite Jest at the library today, while the kiddoes got their first library cards, well, two of them did. The Apple did not, as I"m certain he'd lose it before we got home.

Anyway, after much trial and tribulation, we're home. I'm caught up on work for the moment, and there is relative silence in the Binjo Ditch.

Will speak more soon, I hope. Don't want to give up the blog forever.

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