Thursday, June 18, 2009

Things I don't Understand

Former President Bush stated today that he hopes the closure of Guantanamo Bay doesn't risk our national security (souce: Yahoo!). What, then, does he feel about the commander he selected noting that Guantanamo Bay was one of the biggest RISKS to our national security in terms of recruiting tools for those we fight?

I remember President Bush once said something to the effect of "well, I guess you can blame me." Not quite the Truman "Buck Stops Here," but he still didn't mean it, if you look at how he's hemmed and hawed away anything that remotely sounds like something negative that he should take the hit for - "some have said," "mistakes were made," etc...

That being said, I think it's kind of a no-brainer that people don't want our national security harmed. But, I wonder what he meant about "therapy," really? It sounds like he's playing politics - trying to give the Right another trite talking point that really means nothing, but if it's out there, it might fester...

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