Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dirty Politics

As I noted, I left Facebook recently.  Probably not for the long run, but I needed a break.  One of the issues I had is that people who I like, who I respect generally, demonstrate such closed-minded behavior (I am probably just as culpable), that I found myself getting upset with people who I generally like. 

One thing that I can't understand is how people can still support the current president.  I think it's obvious he's in it for himself more than anybody else, and I also think it's pretty clear that he has no respect for the Constitution, the Country, or the opposition party, which is something I don't think any rational person could argue was true of any of his predecessors, at least during my lifetime.  Yet, I still have several "both parties" friends, several "drain the swamp" friends, and several who still believe that this guy is somehow a savior to the country.  I Just Don't Get It.

I also think it's very likely that there's an entire political party that has been compromised by a foreign government, given their reluctance to speak out against the current administration, and in spite of evidence from our intelligence services (full disclosure, I did work at one of our intelligence services during my active duty years) that the Russians did, in fact, interfere in the 2016 election to try to help the current CinC attain office, it's not a stretch to think that there are multiple members of the party who have been compromised.  It's possible there are Democrats who have been compromised, as well, but not to the extent the current Republican party appears to be. 

I'm not doing links today, because frankly, I just wanted to do a stream of consciousness type post, but do just a modicum of research, and any objective source will demonstrate that what I'm saying holds water.  Not like Joe Pesci's defense in My Cousin Vinny (great movie, btw).

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