Friday, February 04, 2005


South Korean War Plan

I can see the North Korean paper now:
"This action can't but be taken as an attack on our sovereignty and the inflammatory language of the south Korean puppets has put our peaceful people on a war footing"

Basically, anything that happens in South Korea or anything the U.S. says puts North Korea and the Korean penninsula on a war footing, and has done so for ever.


Sam said...

Why do they call the report a "white paper"? I was hoping you might know.

Steve said...

I'm not really sure. I'd guess it's either a redundancy like D-day or a specific level form, like a writ instead of a memo...

Sam said...

I bet things like that really make you miss the military.

I like the new format; very spiffy.

Steve said...

Now I just need to get a counter on here, so I can see when you or Amy look at the site...

Steve said...

Thanks for the compliments! I'm always glad to hear from everyone!
I think you might be on to something with your religion of peace idea... I'll have to consider that.
For more info on Korea, I suggest reading "The Two Koreas" by Don Oberdorfer. It provides a lot of info, from the coups to the Poplar Tree Incident to the assassinations in Thailand to the tunnels. It's well written and well researched.