Tuesday, October 15, 2019

And When I Die

I just hope that my last thought is one of peace, contentment, and love. 


Bruce said...

Nothing wrong with that but it isn't very ambitious. How about having your final years be filled with peace, contentment, and love? Heck, why not *this* year?

Steve said...

It's been a rough year, and from what I've seen historically, I'm not one who can just decide to be content - I've had one year since law school where I could argue that I've felt content, and then the oil market crashed. Now, according to one of my friends, my resume is a hodgepodge, I am not working in a growth position, I'm in a location where I'm not exactly happy, my work friends have all quit, retired, or relocated, and my personal friends and I simply can't find times to get together.

I thought it was early seasonal-affective, but I think it's more than that, and the constant negativity all over at work has impeded my ability to feel any sense of progress.

But, you're right, being content should be what I aspire for.