Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Shame shame

Read This

The gist of the story is that the President of the Young Republicans in Colorado was involved in an incident where three people were removed from a speech given by President Bush because they arrived in a car with an anti-war/anti-Bush bumper sticker. The story is that the man who removed them was masquerading as a Secret Service agent. I got this courtesy of The Moderate Voice.

Let's consider this for a moment, and assume that the story is true. (If it's not true, then there's not much to say other than shame on them for making up such a story.)

At a tax-funded event where the leader of the country speaks, people who exercise their right to air their grievance are barred from attending.

I could understand if this were a private event. I could even understand (Though with much more difficulty) if they were actively threatening the President. All these people did was show up with a bumper sticker that offended somebody. I can't imagine that this is acceptable by the GOP, just as I can't imagine this being condoned by the Democrats.

I don't blame the GOP. Rather, I'm upset with the people directly invovled in this incident, and I hope that, if this is a true story, that they get their comeuppance. I don't like trampling on liberties.


Bookworm said...

Ditto. It sounds like a disgraceful hoax that, as with so many hoaxes, reflects very badly on the perpetrator.! said...

actually, i think this really happened. what i find more disturbing is that prior to the election, attendees at bush rallies were required to sign "loyalty oaths" in order to get in. i'm not making it up. google it. mainstream, reputable news sources reported this. (though not faux news channel, natch). of course, every republican i've tried to discuss this with has done the equivalent of putting their hands over their ears, shouting "I CAN'T HEAR YOU! NO ONE CRITICIZES BUSH OR REPUBLICANS. LALALALALA!!!" sorry, folks, but no matter your political persuasion, politicians are fallible - very fallible. but it becomes a problem when dissent, criticism and opposition are silenced or even discouraged. it's the tyranny of the majority that the federalist papers spoke of (i vaguely remember reading something about that in con law). sometimes it's difficult to listen to people who don't agree with you or whose ideas you are diametrically opposed to, but it's all part of a healthy democracy. and when i hear stories like this, i wonder how healthy that democracy really is.! said...

here's a link to one of the loyalty oath stories:

anything see anything wrong with this?

"RNC spokesman Yier Shi said RNC campaign rallies are not official visits, but party events designed to energize the Republican base . HE SAID EVERYONG IS WELCOME A THE RALLIES AS LONG AS THEY SUPPORT PRESIDENT BUSH."

everyone. yeah, right.