Sunday, December 04, 2005

How not to disagree with someone

When a blogger was critical of Ann Coulter, you would assume that the well-respected, Ivy League educated professional would be able to handle it with tact and dignity. At least, that's what I would assume. I might not agree with a lot of what Ann Coulter says, but I respect that she thinks about her opinions. I can say the same about the people on Brad Blog, including guest blogger Lydia Cornell, who did criticize Ann. Imagine my surprise to find out that the inimitable Ann Coulter responded to such criticism by posting Lydia's contact information (e-mail and personal phone number), posting a personal e-mail from Lydia, and referring to those who disagree with her as "nazi block watchers."

Now, I'm nowhere near the league of Ann Coulter in terms of readers, and I'm certainly not in the region of people who would have others vociferously denounce my opinion on anything. However, I have always tried to remain as civil as possible, even with topics on which I disagree with the auther. While I was never a regular reader of Ann Coulter's before, I'm certainly will never be a reader period in the future. She's entitled to her opinion, but posting personal information, and then not removing it when asked, is wrong.


JMJanssen said...

Have you seen this?

(from Pharyngula)

English Professor said...

Bruce, you can click on the Pharyngula link instead--it'll take you to a posting about the Kansas professor who mocked fundamentalists, and says he was beaten up by two guys as a result.

Steve, I've never been a fan of Coulter--same sentiments as Bruce. But I am going to go check out her blog on this incident. Wow.

Michelle said...

Wow, that just seems very very unethical.