Saturday, December 31, 2005

Year's End

It's painfully early in the morning, as the toddler got me up at 5. He's currently eating breakfast - crunch berries - in a most meticulous manner. 18 months, and he's separating the berries from the crunches. I have been known to do that on occasion, myself, but it's very strange to see the little boy do that. I'm not going to stop him, though. He's being quiet and still, and he seems to be enjoying himself.

One of his favorite games right now is "Go!" It's also a favorite of his siblings. Basically, I sit in the dining room, point to one of the children, yell "Go!" and they run into the living room, around my chair, and back giggling like there's no tomorrow. I'm fortunate in that my children aren't too materialistic. They prefer books to video games, play-doh to cartoons. They still love Veggie Tales, many disney movies, and the little boy loves Barney. I can handle that, though, for the fun they bring each day. Happy New Year from all of us, to all of you!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, my precious ones. This house is so painfully quiet and peaceful... no one playing GO!, and even the dog seldom barks (not that your kids bark...often). My prayer for you for the New Year: That all of you will prosper and find joy each day; that school will flow easily for you; that you will have all you need.

BTW, the digital camera book that I brought home is all in Spanish. Do you have the English version lying around somewhere? I was reading it at the dining room table, as I recall. And Santa Claus, so far, seems to speak only Spanish. The dog is fascinated.

Bookworm said...

Happy New Year to you and yours, Steve!