Thursday, March 20, 2008

But, Did He Like Broccoli?

A direct quote from the tour guide leading a discussion with a bunch of children: "If this creature [the Tyrannosaurus Rex] was designed to eat meat from the very start, what would he have to until Adam and Eve sinned and death entered the world? What would he have to do? Fast and pray for The Fall. Is that likely? The answer is ... 'No.'"

I'm all for believing in creationism. I'm all for believing in Evolution. Your beliefs are your own. But to suggest that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was a vegetarian because Adam and Eve hadn't sinned yet makes no sense to me at all.

1 comment:

photog said...

I think he is actually proving the point of evolutionists. Assuming the t-rex was roaming the earth during the time of Adam & Eve, and assuming he was a vegetarian, he must have "evolved" into the meat-eating carnivore that his teeth and bone structure suggest he was. Totally brilliant argument for the creationists to make.