Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Of Course, There Will Be Those On the Right Who Dismiss This

One of my favorite covers, by several Bush fans who claim that only they truly support the military because they support the war in Iraq even though they never donned a uniform themselves, for continued justification for the invasion of Iraq despite the President's concession that we had been unable to find evidence of a link between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda, and the military's Intelligence Committee's report that there were no WMDs in Iraq, and that basically everything that was pitched to us as a no-brainer while those who dared to doubt the decider were stuck on stupid, is the rush to dismiss military intelligence or military reports that seem to corroborate the evidence suggesting no connection between Al-Qaeda and Hussein.

These are the same people who are going to hem and haw and quickly dismiss the latest Pentagon-sponsored report showing no link between Hussein and Al-Qaeda.

Let the excuse-making begin.

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