Saturday, August 23, 2008

Boy, if it Weren't For That Liberal-Loving Media

It's a good thing the Republicans have been telling me constantly for years that there is a well-documented liberal bias to the media, or I might take all the news I've seen in recent weeks as being slanted in favor of John McCain - you know, since he seems to be covered favorably more often than not, and Obama seems to be the one criticized. But I know the media is favorable for the Democrats, because I saw it in 2000 when they went out of their way to ignore Al Gore and cover the guy you'd rather have a beer with.

Barack Obama chose Senator Biden as his running mate, but that was a bad choice, it was a sign of desperation. They must be afraid of John McCain, the "maverick" who eschewed his alleged independent mind to cuddle up with Karl Rove and company.

I'm just not quite up to commenting too much on this. I'll leave the roundup to my good friend Just Wondering over at Vim and Vinegar. She covers this topic quite well here.

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