Monday, December 08, 2008

The Case is Closed

I have discussed this matter once before, when I discussed whether or not the charge that President-elect Obama was or was not a "natural-born" citizen. Some people, however, have continued to insist (not on my site, but elsewhere, in more well-read blogs) that there is a "there" there.

While it should be the end of the matter, it won't be - but, the Supreme Court denied cert in one of the suits, and, at least by lack of ruling, implied that President-elect Obama meets the Constitutional requirements to serve as the President of the United States. There are other suits pending, but I think they will likely find a similar fate.

While I consider this to be a no-brainer, I understand that there are others who might legitimately think there is something to this. However, the Court has had its say, and the Constitution seems to be pretty clear - unless you're really willing to stretch your imagination. He will be inaugurated as the next President of the United States.

Other bloggers weighing in:
The Gun Toting Liberal


Nelson said...

But, but, but, his own grandmother said he was born in Kenya!

Feisty 'Bama Princess said...

No, no, no, I thought he was Muslim. Oh, wait, you can still be American and a Muslim...(ooooh, scary)

nuje said...
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nuje said...

If we've learned anything in the past 8 years it would have to be that Supreme Court decisions don't stop the whiners from whining

Steve said...

I said it in 2000 and I said it in 2004, give it up. The winner won.

Obama is a citizen. Bush won the electoral vote. The system works.

nuje said...
