Monday, December 31, 2007

The End of the Year

How did you spend the last day of 2007?

We spent the day at the Zoo with Photog and Mrs. Photog and the rugrats. It was a nice way to close out 2007, which turned out to be a rather productive year. The Young'uns had a great time; running from exhibit to exhibit, nary a resting moment among them. The Photogs had a great time watching the rugrats running about - They like their parenting in small doses, and a few hours with our kids can fill people's needs for weeks. At any rate, we got to see the Lions, the Tigers, the Elephants, the Okapi, Meercats, Koalas, a 3-finned sea turtle, a Terrapin ("giraffe turtle"), and plenty of other critters. Afterwards, we went to Mission Burritos, a restaurant I'd never eaten at before. It was pretty good; a nice, filling burrito that I got to share with the Apple - who somehow is still awake after 4 hours Zooing and then driving around Houston for another.

The Princess is in bed - she was going to stay up, but she decided to break a lightbulb, so she gets to sleep in the New Year. Ironically, my punishment for the evening, for whatever I may have done, is that I DON'T get to sleep in the New Year, and rather, get to stay up late making sure the other two children don't electrocute themselves, each other, or the house.

It's been a busy year. I started out in New Orleans, helping those who couldn't help themselves. I graduated from Law School, got an internship at a local bank, got a new (used) car (and donated the Escort) went deep sea fishing, took and passed the Bar, drove halfway across the country and back, got a (temporary) job, saw the Princess get through Pre-K and start Kindergarten, saw The Boy get his 5th straight All A report card; got the Apple Potty Trained, and watched the spouse move jobs to a place where she appears to be less taken for granted.

It's not really a surprise that I would end the ratrace that was 2007 with a family trip to the zoo, I guess. It was a good year. I hope your 2007 was good, and may all of your 2008 be even better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The END of my 2007 was just great, thank you very much. I went to bed early last night, since I have a nasty cold in my head and chest, and I need to be able to work tomorrow. Had lunch with my dear friend today, and managed to spend another hundred or so at Target. Tomorrow is work, both schools, unfortunately, and a meeting with the union president about my workload. Then a quick run down to my surgeon's office, downtown, so they can check my chest from my fall down the stairs last week. Happy New Year, please forgive the lack of excitement.