Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Dangerous Ones

It's not often that I read or hear about someone who has stated something that just completely befuddles me. But, I think that happened this morning as I was reading a post on Americans United For Separation of Church and State. The post links to a Chicago Tribune Article written by Eric Zorn, who was writing about some of the comments made by State Representative Monique Davis (D - Chicago) to a person on the witness stand.

The statements Monique made:
I don't know what you have against God, but some of us don't have much against him. We look forward to him and his blessings. And it's really a tragedy -- it's tragic -- when a person who is engaged in anything related to God, they want to fight. They want to fight prayer in school. I don't see you fighting guns in school. You know?

I'm trying to understand the philosophy that you want to spread in the state of Illinois. This is the Land of Lincoln. This is the Land of Lincoln where people believe in God, where people believe in protecting their children.... What you have to spew and spread is extremely dangerous, it's dangerous... It's dangerous to the progression of this state. And it's dangerous for our children to even know that your philosophy exists! Now you will go to court to fight kids to have the opportunity to be quiet for a minute. But damn if you'll go to [court] to fight for them to keep guns out of their hands. I am fed up! Get out of that seat!

You have no right to be here! We believe in something. You believe in destroying! You believe in destroying what this state was built upon.
Wow. He has no right to be here. In America? Where the People have the right under the First Amendment to petition their government for redress of their grievances.

What was Rob Sherman on the stand for? It wasn't to take prayers out of school. It wasn't to try to outlaw religion. No, it was to testify against a $1 million dollar grant intended to rebuild a Baptist Church that somehow ended up going to a private school. Obviously, he must be stopped!

This subject is covered on the Huffington Post and the Daily Kos, as well. Both the Daily Kos and Americans United has audio of her attack on Sherman.

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