Sunday, April 13, 2008

It Must Be a Centipede

I remember reading about how the insurgency was in its last throes some 3 years ago. I remember hearing about how there was progress in training and how the Iraqi military and police forces were taking an increasing role in defending the country, preparing to stand up so we could stand down. I remember Mission Accomplished (I know what he said, but what the message he intended to be seen was quite clear and avoidable). I remember there being more room for political reconciliation. I remember "We're kicking ass."

Apparently, dismissing 1300 Iraqis who didn't stand up is the next phase of our standing down. Perhaps they just needed an extra year or two of training. Maybe that's why the drawdown (which only removes the forces back to the pre-surge level, so it's really not a drawdown, is it?) is going on temporary, indeterminate sabbatical.

Any more progress like this and we're going to need a draft.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or, we are going to need to increase the use of the "backdoor draft" (i.e., "stop-loss").