Sunday, April 27, 2008

A post about random stuff

We went to Brazos Bend state park today. It was pretty cool; the kids got to see several alligators, including one that was basking right on the path (we turned around and went back the other way). It's amazing how still they can float in the water. They really do look a lot like logs.

I keep hearing stuff about the polygamists from El Dorado. Since it's a Texas event, the whole state covers it constantly. Now, I don't know much about Mormons. Most of the Mormons I've known have been quite pleasant, family oriented people. I've not met any of the FLDS members (the polygamists), so I can't speak as to how they are as a people. But what interests me is the recent PR campaign that has come up recently. The sect was so secretive for so long (because marrying 13 year olds as your 3rd or 4th wife is kind of illegal), that apparently they felt they needed to personalize themselves. It's sort of a "We're not bad, our beliefs are just criminal" thing. As for me - I've been to El Dorado (it's pronounce Door-A-Doe, with a long A) a few times in my day, as have my wife, two of my kids (the Apple wasn't born yet when we were in West Texas), the sister, and the Gramma, who got to stop at a convenience store in the town. I've seen the sight. I've drunk the water. I even stopped at the city's stop light. It's at the top of a ridge with NOTHING for 35 miles in any direction, and makes San Angelo look like an oasis by comparison (San Angelo is the closest thing to civilization out there. It has everything a real city has, including the internets and indoor plumbing). Any religion that chooses this location as its Mecca is not one for me.

In five weeks we're going to Sea World with Photog and Mrs. Photog, and Red Hot Mamma, inter alia. This is exciting for us, as we get to see the animals and the kids get to play around. I think it might be more exciting for Photog, though, as I understand he's never been, and being with our kids always brings out the kid in him. Mrs. Photog might need to bring a pillow for him to nap with on the drive back to the hotel.

I miss Washington sometimes. Not the state so much, though there was good fishing, but the people. I miss being able to see my family whenever we wanted; Gramma, Antsy, Papa, etc. I miss my friends - my best friend is up there, and I haven't seen him in 6 years. The other horsemen are up there, too. One of the problems with moving away, as nice as it is to see other places and do things with more abandon, is that the roots never grow as deep. It's tough to decide who is worth your time and effort. I've been fortunate, in that we've been able to find some good friends here, people who I otherwise would never have had the good fortune to have known, and it's nice that we get regular visits from Gramma and from the inlaws because it keeps the family tied together, but sometimes, I wonder how different it would be to not have to schedule and budget visiting the family.

Enough waxing philosophic. I'm tired. If I was a bicycle, I'd be two-tired.


Anonymous said...

I'm from Sonora. A town 30 min. away from Eldorado. Probably how you got to Eldorado, as it is on I10.

As any good Sonorian would tell you--we saw this comin' a country mile away.

But in the defense of West Texans generally, as my Southern Baptist Preacher always said, "When God ran out of good trees *he just started making good people."

Houston is nice, but home will always be home. Wherever that is.


*I don't really believe God is a dude...

Steve said...

I remember Sonora. I've driven through there several times. I've eaten at the Sonic there on a couple occasions, and remember the (at the time) new gas station right on 277 and I-10.

My sister enjoyed the caverns immensely, as I recall, even getting herself some fool's gold.

When I'd drive to Houston or San Antonio, though, we usually went on 87 to Eden down 84 to Junction, and then across.! said...

I met an FLDS person today! Well, briefly. I said hi. She seems very nice, considering what she's currently going through. And I will give no further details. Except to say that when I shared this with my sister, she was wholly unimpressed. She lived in Utah for 3 years. Fundie Mormons are nothing new to her.

And I'm VERY EXCITED about seeing all of you at the end of the month! I got your call late tonight & didn't want to bother you, but I am definitely in. I will have to see about Andrew, as he usually works Friday night into early Saturday morning & sleeps during the day. Yay! Can't wait!!