Monday, April 07, 2008

Why is it wrong to invoke the Nazis if you are not a Conservative, but not vice-versa?

Ben Stein is stumping for his new documentary "No Intelligence Allowed." Because of this, he's been giving interviews; recently attempting to tie the Separation of Church and State with Nazism:
"I would say probably the Nazis would have found some rationale to kill the Jews without Darwinism, but Darwinism made it awfully convenient for them."

So, by way of extension, what Stein is saying, essentially, is if you oppose teaching "intelligent design (you know, the Christian creation story)" in public schools, then you must support darwinism, which is what the Nazis believe, so you must be a Nazi.


photog said...

It's really quite a simple logical progression: A to B to C to D. I can't imagine why you find it flawed. (insert sarcastic smirk here)

As my dad always says, "common sense is the least common of the senses."

Anonymous said...

Someone posted posters for that movie all over my building here at Microsoft - its a little irritating. I'm going to go to Kinkos, print out a bunch of graphics from, and pin them up next to the movie posters.