Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Great(?) Debaters

I watched parts of the debate last night. I can't handle watching a whole debate, but I came in and out.

My father in law thought McCain won, but conceded that Obama looked rather good. I thought it was a draw on content, but had a couple problems with McCain. First and foremost, someone who has spent time in the military and 26 years in Congress should know the difference between a tactic and a strategy. McCain got that wrong; it wasn't a question of semantics, he was wrong. I didn't like Senator McCain's refusal to look at Senator Obama, it seemed condescending to me. I thought his "You just don't understand" line, which seemed like it was coached, or at least prepped, wore thin. Others thought it interesting that Senator McCain seemed to resort to this statement when his own answers seemed weaker (in their minds), based on what I've read in blog reactions, but I won't opine on that here.

Other opinions? Andrew Sullivan considers it a home run for Senator Obama.

John Cole at Baloon Juice has a nice collection of links supporting his conclusion that Senator Obama came out on top.

Talking Points Memo has poll results showing Obama as the winner according to 51% as opposed to 38% for McCain.

Finally, Angela Winters posted One Down, with a collection of reactions to the debate, on the Moderate Voice.

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