Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Who needs an alarm clock?

The little boy got up first this morning. He often is the first to rise. This morning, he made a point of saying hi to mommy, and then giving me my glasses, so I would be able to get up. He knows the drill. Then, according to the routine, he proceeded to go to daughter's room "[daughter]! Time ge- up!" And then to his room, which he shares with his brother, "[Boy]! Ge- up [Boy]!" He repeated these last two steps 3 times each, and then commanded me downstairs to fix his breakfast, which he proceeded to stare at while discussing milk, and the various places on the table where there was milk - his bowl, his sister's bowl, the cup, oh, and his bowl, and, his - sister's bowl, and, the cup.

We're a bevy of scintillating conversation at our house at 6 am.


Cassie said...

Sounds like the conversation at our house.

It drives me crazy.

Anonymous said...

It makes Jack cwazy, too.