Sunday, May 27, 2007

Bar reviewing

I did my last day of PMBR yesterday - I had to take last Saturday off due to graduation (I know, bad excuses are better than no excuses). Anyway, we did Con Law - my best subject, not just in law school, but on Bar Review. Would that I could be a Constitutional Law Attorney - but I don't think I'm going to find myself in a strong enough position to do that, unless I end up working for the government again - I'm not adverse to that idea, but I'm not sure how well the pay would go for something like that...

At any rate, I think my new plan is going to be:
Get the kids to daycare in the morning, go to Barbri, go home and do practice questions, pick up the kids and go to the Y (I'll work out while they're in the play area, then they will do swim lessons), then go home and cook dinner, then preview the next day's BarBri. Take Saturday light reviewing, and Sunday get together with my friend and review the previous week's work. I think that should be a good schedule, but we'll have to see.

I need to get some exercise - I'm too lethargic in the afternoons. I also need to quit drinking coca-cola, but that's going to have to wait until after the bar. I just wish the Y near our apartment had a racquetball court - that's what I most miss playing.

I'm so tired right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the Y it's keeping me sane.

It's insanely cheap and I get to work out at a gym! & classes!

Hope that the Bar Study is treating you well. I am trying not to rip out my hair.
