Thursday, August 16, 2007


In three days, it will have been three months since we graduated. Diplomas have yet to be received. I appear to be the only person who thinks about this, which leads me to believe I shouldn't worry about it, but three months seems quite a long time.

1 comment:! said...

Totally. I was just wondering about that the other day. I mean, how many of us graduated? 300 or so? Maybe 400. And they can't get their act together to print out diplomas? Come on! When I worked at the UT registrar's office, they'd bring in extra help to MAIL out the THOUSANDS of diplomas every semester. Yes, mail. None of this "pick it up" crap. I graduated from there 10 years ago & it's been more than 4 years since I worked there, so the technology has obviously been invented. You know, printing presses, large cardboard envelopes, mailing labels, postage. Get with the program, STCL!