Monday, January 08, 2007

According to researchers, the 9th Ward of New Orleans can be rebuilt without having to level and restart as had initially been reported, according to this yahoo! article. What the article doesn't say is why, after 15 months, so many buildings and houses have not yet been repaired or demolished. It doesn't say where the families who lived in the 3000 houses in the area will live before time can be made to help them find their way back to their homes, or how they will get to work in NOLA if they are forced to pay bus fares, or if the LA Swift is shut down (probably going to privatization, from what we understand at this time).

It doesn't state when Mayor Nagin would review the report, or whether other state and/or federal agencies would view it/use it.

Finally, the report doesn't state why housing that was not flood damaged has been shut down and locked, denying citizens access to their homes/belongings/livelihood.

The report is encouraging, and if I ever figure out how to get pictures on this thing, I'll show y'all some of what we saw out there.

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