Friday, January 12, 2007


First they torture and say they don't and then say it's not torture and then ask what "torture" is.

Then they say that the detainees don't qualify for Geneva Convention protection under Common Article 3, for whatever flawed reason.

Then they deny the detainees habeas relief in DIRECT VIOLATION of the Constitution.

So what next? One of the administration officials wonders aloud if the lawyers representing the detainees are on the take from the enemy and suggests that corporate America should boycott these attorneys for representing the detainees pro bono.

Utterly despicable on so many levels.

First - these detainees are SUSPECTS - they have not been proven guilty of ANYTHING
Second - We PRESUME them to be INNOCENT be they American or non-American.
Third - EVERYONE is entitled to competent counsel, and it sickens me that this administration is so strung up on keeping these detainees' voices quiet that they would actually have the audacity to threaten attorneys who would ensure a fair trial for all those who not only are detained and guilty but for the uncertain number who are detained and not guilty of anything but being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Fourth - If this is done in the name of security - where does one stop? If it's OK to use these strongarm tactics against foreigners, why not against citizens? This type of language is wrong and it goes against everything I understood our nation's foundation to be about.

Read what Alexander Melonas, one of the many great posters at the Gun Toting Liberal has to say here.

Additionally, David Schraub at The Moderate Voice has a quick take on this as well, here.


nuje said...

Have you been listening to a lot of Pacifica radio lately?

Steve said...

Don't have a radio with which to listen to it; one of the reasons for my graduation gift suggestion.

Bellejar said...

I cannot believe this. It is wrong on so many levels.