Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Bar Exam Cometh

I graduate in May, which means I will be able to sit for the July Bar Exam.

Before I started law school, I applied to many, many jobs with my Excelsior College degree. It didn't work out well. My degree, essentially, is in Contemporary Korean Culture, which means that I got a bachelor's degree that qualified me to work at McDonald's in Seoul (rimshot). The degree essentially was the bachelor's equivalent of a transfer degree - it was good enough to get me into law school, but not really good enough to equate to many job opportunities. The degree is probably more helpful to those who already have a job and need a degree to get a raise or a promotion than it is for job hunters (from my experience).

One of the jobs I did get invited to was a job as a life insurance salesman, one where they wanted you to pay them several hundred dollars and then they'd train you to work for them on commission. I declined the job, because I am hesitant to pay someone for the pleasure of working for them.

Now, I'm in the process of applying for the Texas State Bar. The application is $300. I have to pass the Bar in order to practice law in Texas. The application is $300, and then I get the pleasure of working as a lawyer in Texas...

It dawned on me today.


JMJanssen said...

Contemporary Korean Culture? C'mon man! You could've also sold street racing parts, female clothing re-labled as men's clothing, ran a video game cafe, or maybe even opened up an alternative hairstyling salon.

Well, you're doing your damn thing now, and by the sounds of it, doing it well.

Steve said...

Now that you mention it, there was a job I could have tried for translating Manhwa into English.

But I opted against that career move