Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Great Big Who Cares

There's been a bit of a hubbub this morning about how much the Republican Party spent on Sarah Palin's clothes during the campaign. The charge is that spending over $150,000 on clothes, makeup, and hair is somehow egregious because our economy is in shambles, and that this somehow shows how out of touch she and the Republicans are.

Let me just say this: I don't care.

She is a vice-presidential candidate, and in this day and age, appearance matters, and that includes dress and makeup.

I could not care less about this as an issue. And I think the majority of Americans would probably agree.


Unknown said...

If Palin dessed in cheap-looking clothing, the media would make fun of her lack of style. In the media's defense, however, many ads probably paid a nice price to be next to that article.

Feisty 'Bama Princess said...

Well, I sort of agree. Women, in particular, are judged more harshly for their appearance as well...

photog said...

If my understanding is correct, the only ones who could take issue with her expenses (and I hardly doubt she made the decision herself; more likely a stylist hired by the campaign) it would be those who contributed to the campaign.

I didn't contribute to the campaign so, as they say, I don't have a dog in this hunt.