Sunday, August 14, 2005

You may not believe this, but

I don't like North Korea that much. I don't trust their leader, and I don't think we should coddle them any more. However, I'm a big fan of reading their propaganda. Imagine my joy, then, when I read the following on Yahoo: Man catalogues North Korea's over-the-top rhetoric. Apparently, I'm not the only one who enjoys reading about our kingpin of evil leader, President Bush. This man used his skills to create a database of KCNA archives. This is great, and something that should have been done much sooner, though, not by me - I have no computer skills. Anyway, you can find the link here, and probably on my links site on the column to your right pretty soon. Enjoy, you sycophantic stooge!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

You know I did get the impression that you don't like N. Korea. I was about to ask you, glad you saved me the phone call.