This blog is a collection of what goes through the mind of a father, a husband, a son, a friend, a lawyer (not your lawyer), and a storyteller, all competing for attention in my head. The golden rule applies here.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
It's a Jungle Out There
He loves the theme song - we assume it's because the song is performed by Randy Newman, who sang a lot of the Pixar Songs (You've got a friend in me, et al.). He actually sings along, which is rather cute, and today, when I put on Season Four, Disc Two, he actually hummed the Universal theme that plays at the beginning of the disc.
I like Monk - it's not too graphic, and the writing is clever. I think it combines crime/mystery with humor/comedy quite well, and I think Tony Shalhoub is one of the best actors on Television. Michael Richards was originally envisioned for the role, but he turned it down - I can't imagine a more fortuitous decision for a show. Richards would have been too physical, I think, to make the show work properly; Tony is much more subtle with his issues, and I think that plays out perfectly. If you don't watch this show, I recommend starting. It's worth it.
New Additions
As for myself, I will be heading out of town tomorrow, going to the Crescent City, where I hope to enjoy their rolls (get it?). I will be volunteering with other students from my and other law schools to help the residents and workers of New Orleans with the legal issues that follow natural disasters. I look forward to this, but am anxious, as well, as it will be legal work of a manner I've not done before. However, I will be helping many who need help, and I will be helping myself, by filling out my pro bono honors hours and getting myself some more valuable experience. As such, blogging will probably be scant over the next week, if at all. I look forward to giving everyone the rundown when we get back.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
The funniest joke ever told
So, if you have a dog that loves to go for rides in your automobile and gets really, really excited about it, but whenever you start driving, it gets really nervous, and those nerves manifest themselves with extremely potent gas, so potent, in fact, that you believe your dog is making a mess in the back seat, but when you look back there, there's nothing there... would you say you have a Carpet Shampooer?
(A pet in the car that emits sham poo)
This is funny.
Friday, December 29, 2006
One prime example of this is right here in Houston's western neighbor Katy, where the Katy Islamic Association has decided to build a mosque for the city's islamic citizens. Their new neighbor on Baker street, who is not of the Muslim faith have responded to this is the most dignified manner one could conceive of responding with - he has decided to hold pig races next door on Friday (from the local ABC affiliate here in Houston). You see, Friday is the Muslim holy day, and pigs are unclean animals - that muslims don't eat.
Now, he has a reason - he said that the Muslims, a week after they bought the property, told him that he might want to move away. Sure. Others have brought up more concrete issues, such as drainage concerns and increased traffic, but that's something that happens with growth. Gun to my head, I'd say that all the griping is nothing less than Texan anti-muslim NIMBYism.
Consider this - Kosher Jews don't eat pork... what would the public have said had this man done this in response to a proposed synagogue? I seem to recall seventh day adventists don't eat pork, either. What would be the reaction to an individual holding said races in response to a proposed Christian (Seventh Day Adventist) church? What makes it somehow more acceptable to this man to decide to protest the mosque in this manner? How does this reflect on our nation's announcement that we are not against Islam, but rather the jihadists? Whether he likes the church being there or not, there are appropriate methods for voicing your opposition. Holding Pig races on Friday just makes you look like an ass, and reflects poorly on your country.
The Detroit Free Press had this article up on its website today, where the landowner conceded that the Muslims "probably aren't after his land." From the Article: "It's not mean-spirited -- 'It's just Texas-spirited.'"
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Human Trafficking
We have immigration here in the United States, but we limit annually the number of immigrants we allow in. Additionally, there are thousands of individuals who cross the border illegally because to live here illegally is the only choice aside from dying in poverty where they were.
These are the same immigrants who we hear are necessary to do the jobs that keep the prices down so that we can afford the stuff we buy because american citizens won't work for the wages that illegal immigrants will work for.
The current immigration policy favors bringing in the best and brightest that other nations have to offer, for various reasons.
Here's my idea: reprioritize the immigration policy - use the system to bring in those who have a survivalistic need to immigrate to escape the hell in which they were born - the tired poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free, if you will. Encourage education for those who are already here, and cultivate the minds of Americans to achieve greater potential instead of buying the minds from others. And kill No Child Left Behind, which has left hundreds of thousands of children behind in the last five years.
This program has benefits - first off, it would encourage education, which is important for a functioning society. Second, it alleviates some of the illegal immigration strain, in a couple ways. It allows legal access to some who were going to cross anyway, and it provides some hope to others who would have crossed illegally that they have a chance to get across in a lawful manner. It would help to keep costs down, because we would be importing working class as opposed to management types. Finally, we would have a means of keeping track of a greater number of border crossers.
It's not that I dislike the idea of a giant fence to keep them mexicans out - well, actually I hate that idea. I think it's stupid and ineffective. I think that this solution would demonstrate trust in our education system by our government and provide the hope for liberty that helped make this country the greatest in the world.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Wednesday is Haiku Day
Bathroom, sending each other
flashlight messages.
As always, I look forward to your submissions!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
As if we needed better proof
Dear Editor - I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in The Sun, it's so. Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?
Virginia O'Hanlon
Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the scepticism of a sceptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours, man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity of devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your live its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be not childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The external light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.
Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies. You might get your papa to have men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas eve to chatch Santa Claus, but even if you did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Clause, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseeable in the world.
You tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men taht ever lived could tear apart. Only faith, poetry, love romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.
No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Simple Pleasures
I'm telling you, there's a market out there for "kid tape," charge three times as much, and let them have at it.
These are the same kids who love playing with correction tape, whiting out line after line of nothing.
Were that I was so easily entertained.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
If you gotta go...
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Another Rant
There is a problem with this semester, though. Apparently, furthering the school's goal of driving me completely insane before I graduate, it sent me an e-mail telling me I had to pay off the balance of my tuition for next semester, or I would be dropped from my registered classes. As nice as it was for them to send me an e-mail reminder during winter break, they seemed to think that this catch-all would work wonders. I don't check my school e-mail every day; I usually only check it a couple times a week, and I checked my e-mail yesterday morning, at which time I had no new messages.
Fortunately, RHM got back from Beaumont yesterday, though, and checked her e-mail and commented on her blog that our Payment Systems professor put comments from his grading of our finals (which he turned in to the registrar, but aren't posted as of right now) out. So I went on my e-mail today to check it. I saw two new messages. It turns out that yesterday afternoon, the school sent out an e-mail to me telling me of my tuition amount due. I got it at 3:50 yesterday. The message told me that I had to make my payment (only $250) by today at 5:30 or I would be dropped from my classes and have to re-register in January, at which time I would have to pay a $40 per class late registration fee. This is because I am ineligible to elect the deferred payment option that I took each of the past five semesters (long story, but suffice it to say I'm ticked).
Anyway, since I went to school yesterday and was there at 2:30 buying a textbook for spring semester (International Environmental law - it's as big as the title is long; freaking huge text), I was understandably annoyed that the e-mail I got. I don't like driving and meandering about downtown with three kids. I especially don't like driving to school two days in a row during the winter break. But I also don't want to have to pay an extra $200 bucks to register for classes I've already registered for.
Here's the crazy logic - I take deferred payment because I'm poor. I'm a law student; law school ain't cheap, especially with having to plunk down a grand a month in daycare expenses. Yet, the school tells me that 1: I can't take deferred payment because I was late before (because I had no money, see above), 2: If I don't pay by today they will drop me from class, and 3: if I get dropped from class because I don't pay (due to the lack of money), I will have to pay them more money to take the classes I signed up to take that I otherwise would have been able to take had they let me do what I have done every other semester I've been in school, which, as you've seen above, I don't have.
Add to that the $250 we're spending to get the wife's car fixed, and Christmas just got a whole lot more Dollar General-ly.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
'Tis the season to go Bowling
Talk about some ammo for the scuttlebutt there!
In addition to these oustanding matchups, among the 32 bowl games are several matching teams that finished 6-6 against each other. Woohoo!
Here's my problem with the bowl system - and for once it's not the B(ull)CS. There are about 120 college football teams in Division I. There are 32 bowl games, which means that 64 teams will be playing in bowl games this year. Over half the teams will be playing a bowl game. This is absolutely ludicrous. Bowl games once were a reward for teams that played well, a payoff for superb performance. Now it's become a celebration of mediocrity. There are teams playing in bowl games this year that will finish below .500 for the season. We continually tell our kids that we want them to try their best, and that best efforts will be rewarded, yet we then celebrate mediocrity, through venues like bowl games and grammy awards, just so that we can make a quick buck.
This has got to stop.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Remember, Scopes LOST his trial level case
As a result of this, you are attacked verbally, you receive at least one death threat, and you see the majority of the community line up on the teacher's side. You get to hear detractors argue that you were "baiting" your teacher, and that the school district will take "corrective action," against the teacher, but won't explain what that action is.
Look, I don't care what a teacher's faith is. I don't care how strong their faith is. What I do know is that in a public education forum, you teach to students of many faiths, not just yours. As a result of that, you must be very careful about what discussions you lead in class.
I don't buy the "student baited me" argument, either. First off, there must have been a reason if he were to bait you - that you started making a comment that he would then follow up - it's a little too hard for me to understand why a student would arbitrarily start baiting a teacher to try to get him in trouble for violating the church-state boundaries. Second, if there was, indeed baiting, then you are a poor schoolteacher. You need to have better control of your class than to let them guide where the discussions will go.
I also think it's more likely that a teacher with an agenda would use a cornered audience to press forward his message than a student and his father would concoct a plan to discredit the teacher by drawing him into religious conversations specifically with the plan of challenging him and attempting to set up a lawsuit that might make the Supreme Court (as one person suggested).
There is nothing wrong with faith. But the faith of a person in a supervisory/master position needs to be contained from the subordinate/servant. Just ask yourself who you would think would be more likely to get a poor grade - the Muslim girl who's going to hell, or the good Christian who is saved because his faith matches that of his teacher. If the teacher can't keep the discussion out of the classroom, then how could he be reasonably expected to keep it out of his mind when grading papers? What this teacher allegedly did is wrong not just on the proselytizing level, though that's where this will get the bulk of the attention.
Alex over at The Gun Toting Liberal has another excellent post, on point with this teacher and the community's apparent insanity right HERE. Go check it out.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Another product of No Child Left Behind
Anyway, we stopped at a McRestaurant drive-thru to get some dinner on our way over there. I'll replay the conversation between myself and the drive thru guy in part:
"Hi, can I take your order?"
"Yeah, I'd like three chicken nugget happy meals with apple juice..."
"OK, I have a chicken nugget happy meal with an apple juice. What would you like to drink with that?"
I'm so glad the president made sure that reading a math were of the utmost importance, heaven forbid our folks learn useless crap like comprehension. Of course, to be fair, he may just be an idiot and no amount of schooling, president's version or no, could help him.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Scalia - raise judge salaries
I think he has a certain point there. A lot of lawyers go into the business to make their fortunes, and that doesn't happen on a judge's salary. However, not all lawyers go into law for the same purpose, so there is a bit of a crap shoot, though I think he's probably right with the best and brightest.
There are things I really like about Justice Scalia. As a general rule, I like his Originalist approach to interpreting the Constitution and agree with him that if the People dislike a course of action, they have a responsibility to educate and inform themselves and vote accordingly. However, I think his approach is shortsighted on a couple grounds. First off, he believes in the four corners approach to legislative interpretation - that a person should look only at what was written in the law or on the Constitution or in the code, and nothing else, to determine what the legislation or founders intended. The logic is that if legislation intended something to be in the law, they are intelligent people, and they could have so put it in there. This is flawed logic, though. Primarily, if there's a question as to what the framers of a law might have intended, then it makes sense to look at the legislative notes that accompany the bill as it makes its way through to law, as they often explain what the thought process of the legislation was. Next, an originalist, strict constructionist approach would lead to some ridiculously narrow interpretations of the law - for example, the Constitution is written in an exclusively male perspective, which means that the founders intended only for men to hold office. If they had intended women to hold office, then they easily could have put female pronouns in addition to the male pronouns. For those who retch at the idea of Hilary getting elected to the office of the President, that might not be a bad concept, but it's not in keeping with modern society (and for what it's worth the Civil Rights Act would be unconsitutional from this perspective because the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land; it would take an amendment to allow women to hold office from this interpretation). As another example, an American would be entitled to accept an emolument from a Queen, but not a King. The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to assistance of counsel, but does not expressly provide that an individual is entitled to represent himself, which would seem to indicate that the Founders did not intend for individuals to self-represent.
Another reason I disagree with Justice Scalia is because I think he ignores the facts of the current America. We are a country where the government relies on the relative ignorance of the voting public, telling us what we stand for, and what we are against, instead of the public informing themselves and telling the government what we want, and any unpopular acts require time to be overturned, if they are overturned at all (which they usually aren't). The people need to be protected from the overreaching of Congress and the demands of the executive - and that duty runs to the Courts. It is the job of the Courts to ensure that the rights of the People are not overborne by the invasion of the People's liberties by the government by requiring the govenrment to rule according to the concepts laid out by the Constitution - to ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense and secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. If you want to call that judicial activism, then I guess I'm an activist, but I believe that political inefficiency as a governing tool is wrong when it comes to the rights of Americans.
But then again, I'm a bit of a dreamer.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I don't know that I'm actually surprised
There are a few things about this encounter that are odd, besides the fact that I was propositioned by a hooker. First off, this took place at 2:15 - not a time I would equate to prime hooking hours (but then, I've never been a hooker, so I don't know when the best hours are). Second, I was not on a main street. Campbell is an arterial, and one that is less travelled on than others nearby. But perhaps the most interesting part of this anecdote is that she beckoned me over while I had the daughter and the little boy in the back seat. Either she's really desparate for money, or she thinks I'm more interested in a few minutes of anonymous noughty things than I am in being a responsible parent.
What's scary is that there is probably a reason that she thought a man with children in the car would be willing to stop for "a good time." And while I'm not the type to stop at a hooker, and especially not the type to do so while my kids sit in the car waiting, there are plenty of fathers and husbands out there who would. ugh.
The Boy
He looked at me in his knowing way, nodded and said, "I know I don't have many, but the tooth fairy has a lot, and when I lose more teeth, she'll bring me some more."
Hard to argue with logic like that.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
A little more on the Koran
A likely story
No they can't. North Korea is run by possibly the most evil person on the planet. He would rather watch 10% of his population die (which he has) than give up the reins of power that he wields. He would rather see people eat grass, and tree bark, and leaves than give an inch with regard to his dictatorship. He would rather grow poppies for opium and tobacco for counterfeit cigarettes on the less than 30% of arable land in his country than try to do crazy things like get his people fed.
This is a man who has convinced his countrymen that not only are they superior to the rest of the world (which is shut off from them to make direct comparison rather difficult), but that in any war between the DPRK and the US, they will win with 1950-1970s technology and Juche (self reliance).
Of all the enemies that we have in the world, the one that I would be most concerned about acquiring a nuclear weapon is North Korea - because of all the nations in the world, I think their leader is the one most likely to use one, and their people have a fanatical love for their omnipotent dear leader that rivals the love of the pharaohs, and believe what they hear from him and his state controlled news service (for anyone who bitches about the MSM's slant, I encourage you to look up KCNA some day).
Unfortunately, we are not currently in a situation where we can effectively handle the situation. We are stuck in a babysitting action in Iraq, trying to keep brothers and sisters from beating the hell out of each other, and we are still in Afghanistan, from what I understand. Which leaves us somewhat shorthanded to deal with other nations that might get nasty ideas in their heads. We alienated much of the rest of the world with our stubbornness in invading Iraq, our "listen to us or you're nothing but worthless cowards, we don't need you anyway - we can handle it ourselves it'll be so easy" approach to diplomacy sort of backfired on us there. And we effectively shut off much of our chances at open-ended negotiation with the Chonger when we referred to his country as part of the "Axis of evil," which told him exactly what we thought about him - so what motivation does he have to work with us?
For the record, I don't think diplomacy would work in the DPRK, either - the "Sunshine Policy" and the Clinton administration pretty much just propped up a one-legged dictatorship that needed a crutch.
For all the talk of a regime change - we chose the wrong one for the wrong reasons. Iraq was not a multinational threat at the time - North Korea was and is. Additionally, it would have been MUCH easier to rebuild North Korea's infrastructure, because South Korea is right there, and it works pretty well, and it is not just willing to help rebuild the land of their brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers, but they are anxious to do so. It's this anxiousness to help that the North preys on so effectively, and why diplomacy can never work, because they don't have anything to lose by lying.
They've not been trustworthy for too long - don't give them the benefit of the doubt now.
Monday, December 11, 2006
His statement upon taking the ASU job? "It's exciting for me to have an opportunity to come to Arizona State and compete for the BCS championship, to compete for the Pac-10."
Of course, this statement implies that he didn't think he could compete for the BCS championship with Idaho (granted, it would have been far more difficult, but it still was possible), and he quite obviously has made no statement that he's committed to anyone but himself. He left a job that he had signed a 5 year contract for, and he's leaving after 1. What I don't understand is why anyone would be willing to spend money on someone that disinterested in setting an example of leadership with the folks he's supposed to be leading.
Quite frankly, I don't wish him well. He's not the example of leadership we need.
Happy Birthday, Derek Koch.
No religious test
I tend to subscribe to the latter version. It seems that there was a real fear of having a state religion, and that fear stemmed from the Anglican church, which was THE religion in England, or the Catholic church, which was THE religion of previous generations of England. THE religion meant that it was able to quash any other religious movements that crossed the shore or mutated from the original. There is little difference, from what I can see, between forbidding one branch of christianity from exercising governmental control over the other branches and forbidding one religious philosophy from exercising governmental control over all other philosophies.
We may have been founded by Christians, but we were founded on the premise that ALL men are created equal, and that means regardless of their religious beliefs, and to force someone to swear on something they don't believe in, in the name of "tradition" smacks of Plessy v. Ferguson 163 U.S. 537 (1896).
A new friend
Thanks to "I'll explain this when you're older" for the link.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Christmas Preparations
The word of the year
That's what the word of the year means - it's something that someone states, professing it to be true while being unable to verify it's accuracy. As Stephen Colbert, the coiner of the term described it, "truthiness" is truth that comes from the gut, not books."
The word is pretty useful when describing so much of what the current administration has done. When the president says he believes that Iraq is a breeding grounds for terrorists and that is why he authorized the invasion of the coutnry, even though his arguments and those of the pundits said "they have nuculer (sic) weapons," while reports indicate that the terror breeding has come after the liberation - that's truthiness, and while the word may have been invented within the last 15 months, and while it may be humorous, it is apt.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
One to go
I'm anxious to be done, but apprehensive at the same time. It's going to be an interesting time. Here's hoping I find the job that most interests me, and that I can find some time to do something special with the family in the midst of all of this.
Wish me luck!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Article II, Section 4
"In what was likely her final legislative act in Congress, [Representative] Cynthia McKinney introduced a bill Friday to Impeach President Bush."
I don't think I've been too cryptic with regards to my general dislike of President Bush and my criticism of his tenure as President. That said, considering what we currently know about the current administration, and the manner in which the president has run the country, the invasion (wait, I mean "liberation") of Iraq and the war on terror, etc., I fail to see where the president has done anything that qualifies as an Impeachable offense.
Primary argument going on right now that I see - the president has performed his job as president incompetently. That may be true - I somewhat see his handling of the various wars he's involved us in as incompetent. But, incompetence is not a High Crime or Misdemeanor.
Let's say he "lied" to get us in Iraq. Well, first off, we have no direct proof. His allegations in 2002 and 2003 suggest that we wanted to invade Iraq because they were not providing access to the weapons inspectors as they were required to, that they continued to maintain WMDs either in fact or in capacity to produce, and that Iraq supports terrorist organizations. Absent any evidence to the contrary, we need to presume that he made those allegations in good faith based on current intelligence as provided by the various intelligence agencies available to him. In other words, at this time it would be impossible to prove that he "lied," even if he's guilty in the OJ sense to many people.
I'm sure there are other theories out there, but frankly, I'm tired and don't want to think about them.
While I disagree with any measures at this time to impeach the President, on grounds that I think impeachment should be a last resort solution to actual crime, not a method of exacting revenge on the opposing party and there is currently nothing indicating president Bush has acted in a manner that qualifies as "high Crimes and Misdemeanors," I do believe that there should be factual inquiries into the past six years of "Advance directly to Go" governance, to determine what was and was not known and/or divulged. But this needs to be by a neutral party, NOT an opposing party and MOST CERTAINLY not by the party being investigated, lest we reach foregone conclusions.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Will of the masses
I feel sorry for him because now he's in a spot where he can't make any move without being pounced on. Before the Baker report came out people were speculating on what Bush would do or how he'd react to it (including myself). Same for so many other things. He's got a reputation (well deserved or not) for being stubborn and pigheaded. The problem with this is, by our actions we've put him in a position where he just can't win. He's no longer the leader of America; he's the guy who gets fingers pointed at. With the Baker report - what the hell is he going to do? If he chooses a different course of action than what it suggested, then he's stubborn. If he follows it, then daddy saved him. If he partially incorporates it, then he can't listen to those who present a "sound" assessment of the situation.
I don't object to being critical of the president - I think that's part of our job as Americans, to see what decisions he's made and announce whether we approve or disapprove so he (or she) can see how we want him or her to proceed in the future. However, I think we need to give the president that CHANCE to make the decision before we criticize him. In short - back off a little.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Rough day
That notwithstanding, we managed to get all the kids out and to school on time, with only a minimum fighting from the little boy. Then I get the kids to school and get home to take my shower. Well, the shower might not have been the best idea. Apparently, our apartments have decided that hot water is a luxury item reserved for those who have heat. Anyway one very quick shower later, I'm dressed and ready for school. I get to school, grab some of the trash I need to take out, write a check for parking, grab my computer, reach over to lock the back door, get out of the car, head down the elevator, pay parking, cross the street, get upstairs to the International Law Society office, reach for my ke- My KEYS! I don't have them! Crap! You'll notice nowhere above did I mention I took my keys out of the ignition. That's because I didn't take my keys out. I'm sure there are some of you wondering how I didn't notice my keys were in the car, what with the annoying buzz the car gives off when you do something that stupid. Well, the Ford Escort's buzzer system, like so many others, buzzes whenever you do something stupid, unfortunately, the Ford Escort seems to believe that actually OWNING a Ford Escort is something stupid, so my car actually buzzes constantly, and I never know what it's buzzing at me about, so I just ignore it. But I digress. Of course, the school doesn't have a slim jim (why would they?), nor does the security they employ. Ditto the parking garage. So I head over with my friend Carl to try to open a 95 Escort with a coat hanger (of course, this would work better if I know HOW to open a 95 Escort with a coat hanger), which turned out not to work, at least, not for me.
Now, it should be mentioned that I had my Criminal Procedure final tonight. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendment issues with a few other items thrown in for good measure. It's also a four hour class, which means it carries slightly more weight than the other classes I take, so having to take any time away from studying isn't my favorite idea. As it turns out, I only lose about an hour, between all the time I wasted trying to pick my own lock and then the 10-15 minutes I spent with the locksmith after he arrived. The good news is I got the door opened. The bad news is that I spent the equivalent of the resale value of my particular automobile to get the door opened ($69). Anyway, all's well that ends well.
So then I take my final, and after having to take two breaks because I'm busy singing "Punk Rock Girl" while trying to read questions, I decide I'm not going to get any more answers right (or that I'm too tired to try to see which ones I obviously missed) and decide that a C- is OK.
So I head out of school and turn on my phone to get a message from my wife, who tells me to come straight home. I call her to find out what's wrong. It turns out I'm not the only one with key issues today. She got to daycare this evening to get the kids, and while she was inside picking them up, the key to her car (and no other keys) decided to make a break for it and ran away. She still doesn't know where it is, and she had to get to Kinko's tonight for a presentation tomorrow that she has to put together for work and had to run out as soon as I got home. I get home, the little boy is not in bed (he got up), so we participated in the Supernanny plan of putting him right back in bed without saying anything because that only encourages him to get back up. This is a foolproof plan according to the producers of the Supernanny, and they constantly show how by putting the child back in bed the third time results in a sleeping child and stress-free parents. Yeah. I'm calling the sip of whiskey on that one. The little boy went to bed at 8. It's now 9:35 and he's gotten up at least 8 times (9 times, I just had to put him back in bed again). The only way those kids on that show didn't get up is if they were snockered.
Anyway, now I need to study Pretrial Procedure, which is somewhat more stressful than CrimPro, but is only 3 hours instead of 4. Can't wait!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Road Rage
As I was driving home this evening, I got on the freeway on the ramp which enters I-10 on a bridge and thus has a short acceleration zone that ends in the concrete barrier - in other words, I have to switch lanes rather quickly. Usually, this is no problem, because drivers understand the concept of forced merging and short acceleration lanes and will make space. Today, though, as I was accelerating, there were 3 cars in the lane into which I was trying to merge, while the lane to their immediate left was wide open. Most drivers see this situation and do the courteous thing (i.e. merge over to let the other driver get on the freeway without crashing and/or dying). Did these guys? Well, the last guy did after I had to slam on the brakes to keep from running out of room, and he only moved over enough to get by me. Those guys are assholes.
I then drive home on I-10. Westbound on I-10 leads toward the 610 loop. For whatever reason, the loop has 3 lanes of the five lane freeway that exit only onto it, while the other two lanes continue westbound on I-10. This has been like this for as long as I've lived in Houston, and though there's construction going on in that area (just beyond the 610 interchange), there's plenty of time to get over. Here's the deal: If you know that you have to get into one lane and you have an opportunity to do so, but you see that traffic has slowed down, so you decide to continue past all the people who know how to wait their turn so that you can cut them off and zip in at the front of the line, then you are an asshole. If you decide that you can't be bothered with waiting for someone to LET you in and therefore force your way in between two cars, then you are a major asshole. And if you are driving a Ford Mustang with TX licence plates 709-PCL, then if I ever see you walking from your car and I'm driving in my Escort - the one you cut off, forcing me to slam on MY brakes and nearly get rear-ended - then I will not brake on your transit across the street. You ignorant asshair, a shitpot. It's people like you that contribute to the gridlock that makes us good people who understand rules have to wait an extra 18 minutes. I hope you develop an itchy rash in a spot that you are unable to scratch in a polite manner.
Ambivalent Amnesia
Names are swirling through my brain right now - Terry, Belton, Miranda, Edwards, Massiah, Batson, Aguilar-Spinelli, and so on. They no longer hold any particular significance in my head, other than I know that they refer to Criminal Procedure, and their names are now associated with various tests for admissibility of evidence...
And I find that I don't particularly care that I can't remember what they all pertain to with specificity. Finals are not my favorite time of the year - I'm ready to be done. I'll accept a C if you don't make me take the test (you benefit because you have one less test to grade!)
I still have Pretrial and Marital Property to go through - that's what I'm mostly ticked about - I'm already apathetic and I'm not even halfway done!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
On the Constitution
Read another way, Prager's statement above says "If your religious beliefs preclude you from swearing in on a Bible, then you shouldn't be allowed to be a Congressman," or, "as a test of fealty to the United States, you must swear yourself in on the Bible."
Since my head is swimming from CrimPro and Pretrial studying, I'm going to waste a few minutes on this "issue."
First things first - Prager is upset about a CEREMONIAL swearing in, not an actual swearing in. According to the Clerk of the House, NO BOOK is used during the official swearing in of Congresspersons. The ceremonial swearing in is more of a photo-op; it's used for publicity purposes. Prager's concern, according to his explanation, and put concisely by myself here, was that the ceremony must respect tradition. This fails to take into consideration that, in the past, the ceremonial swearing in has used the Bible, the Constitution, and NOTHING. So, traditionally, the Bible has not been used exclusively.
Secondly, and more importantly, Prager's concern for "tradition" is unconstitutional. He and those who agree with him would put as a condition precedent to holding office a test of swearing in on the Bible, even if one's religion prohibited it. The last sentence of Article VI of the Constitution: [N]o religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office of public Trust under the United States. (emphasis mine)
In other words, it would appear that those who clamor for the blind adherance to "tradition" would put that concern over and above the written word of the Constitution. This must be a real conundrum for the religious right that so blindly adhered to the President's insistence on a strict constructionist viewpoint. Now the only real approach is to say that Prager's analysis is not a "test," it's a tradition, and not tied to religion, because it would "apply to everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs" (not a real quote, this is my finger quotes around this statement).
Well, if nothing else, Dennis Prager did what he was supposed to do - he got people to talk about what he wrote. It certainly gave me something to write about while taking a study break and not thinking of the snail I ate last night.
Holiday Dinner
Our very good friend Red Hot Mamma was gracious enough to urchin-sit for us - for which we are very thankful and will now provide with a 5 dollar gift certificate to Spec's... Seriously, thanks RHM!
Amerigo's was good. Italian food that's rather overpriced for the portions (what do you expect from a dress-nice restaurant?), but very good. We had plenty of appetizers, including escargot, which I never thought I'd try given my aversion to anything it looks like I blew into a tissue. But as far as gastropods go, it wasn't as bad as I'd thought - not too chewy, not too foul. And now that I tried it, I can go the rest of my life without trying it again.
For dinner, I had the Snapper Amerigo's, which was Snapper with crabmeat, leeks, scallions and tomatoes in a reduction of chardonnay and served with wild rice. Excellent - I highly recommend it. Kirsten had a Salmon dish that came with berries - also very good.
All in all it was a good evening. Kirsten had fun, and I don't think I embarrassed her too much with my lack of couth. It's nice to get our annual night's break from the kids.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Finals Conversations
Finals are tough on us all.
Holder In Due Course
One of the major themes in Payment Systems was the theory of a Holder in Due Course (HDC). An HDC is a person (or bank, corporation, etc.) who takes a negotiable instrument (such as a check) for transfer in exchange for some sort of value (e.g. money) and who takes it free of any defenses on the instrument itself that could be asserted by the maker of the instrument.
Here's how I did the analysis:
First - Identify the Parties.
Who made the instrument? On what bank is it payable? To whom is it payable initially? To whom is it payable now?
Second - Is the holder of the instrument a Person Entitled to Enforce the Instrument?
A "Person Entitled to Enforce" is 1. A holder, 2. Of an instrument in bearer or Order form, if it is the person identified in the order.
Third - What is the liability? How is the aggrieved party liable?
A party can either be Primarily liable or Secondarily liable. One is Primarily Liable if he is either the Maker of the Instrument or an Acceptor (i.e. the bank that certifies the check). One is secondarily liable as either an indorser, a drawer, or as an Accommodation party.
Fourth - Are there any defenses?
What type of defenses are available to the party who is liable? There are personal defenses - fraud in the inducement, regular duress, lack of consideration, breach of warranty, and many other defenses. Additionally, there are what are known as Real defenses - these are issues that are so heinous that as a matter of public policy, we think that it is more important to protect the person harmed than the instrument itself. Real defenses include Fraud in the Factum, Infancy, Duress (serious duress), Illegality (that would render a contract VOID, not voidable), and incapacity. Additionally there are "article 3 defenses" - which fall under Article 3 of the UCC.
Fifth - is the holder of the instrument a Holder in Due Course?
To be a Holder in Due Course one must be:
1. A Holder
2. Of a Negotiable Instrument
An instrument (e.g. a check or a promissory note) is negotiable if it is:
A. An unconditional
B. Promise or Order
C. To pay a fixed amount of money
D. To Bearer or Person idetntified in the order
E. On demand or at a definite time
F. With no additional conditions attached.
3. With no irregularities on the face of the instrument (e.g. numbers crossed out and written over)
4. Taken for value
5. In good faith
Good faith requires: Honesty in fact and in keeping with reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing.
6. With no notice:
A. that it is overdue
B. of any defenses
C. Any claims in recoupment
D. That it is unauthorized
If all of the above, then the party qualifies as an HDC. As such, it would take free of all personal and article 3 defenses, but would take subject to any real defenses that could be asserted.
If All of the above are not met (for example you know it's got defenses), and you take the instrument, you are not a Holder in Due Course, but you may be entitled to HDC status under the Shelter Principle, where you knew of the deficiency, but did not benefit or take part in it.
The End.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Random Trivia
Ironically, Felix Powell committed suicide in 1942.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Wednesday is Haiku Day
Take free of all defenses
Save real defenses
As always, I look forward to your contributions!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
One down
Oh well. Next up is Payment Systems, which I once said I liked, but now I'm having second thoughts. It was a short honeymoon.
Wish me luck!
Monday, November 27, 2006
If justice is blind, then what's the problem?
The man was allegedly the city prosecutor, who claims he was having an adverse reaction to his medication.
The charges were dropped because he was charged under a law that is no longer in effect. No decision has been made as to whether or not to file new charges.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
No, this didn't happen in Texas
The report is unclear as to whether the police actually found any narcotics in the woman's house, and while some claim it was a matter of mistaken identity, the police note that she was the only resident of that house for the past 17 years.
Some people are going to hear this report and consider it an argument in favor of gun control. Others are going to look at it and try to find a 4th amendment violation. Even more are going to read it and just laugh at the concept.
The police did not act inappropriately. If they are executing a valid warrant, based on 4th amendment requirements, which based on the report it was, then they did not act improperly in defending themselves from an assailant shooting at them. They should not be expected to do an inquiry as to the circumstances surrounding the shooter - an on the spot balancing test to determine whether or not the assailant is too old to shoot back at.
The woman did not act inappropriately, either, necessarily. She arguably saw this as an intrusion by three strangers, the argument would then say that she acted reasonably in defending her home, her castle, from the intruders. That she did not hear the announce of the warrant or that she could not falls to the wayside here.
I think the police do owe the family of the deceased an apology, but I don't think they owe anything more than that.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Self esteem issues
Our humble daughter's card read "I'm thankful for being a princess."
If she had any charisma, she'd be dangerous.
1000th post
"I, (our name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
A few hours after that, nine of us got on a bus to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, where we loaded onto a plane and flew to Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. After eight years of faithful service that resulted in my service in Operation Allied Force and service on the DMZ in Korea, among other places, I left the military, bringing with me the experience and pride of knowing I gave back. Service gave me a new language, three college degrees, travel around the world and the country, the opportunity to teach and to learn, and ultimately, a wife and three children I otherwise wouldn't have had. It also gave me the Montomery GI Bill, a $1200 investment that has provided (so far) almost $19,000 towards law school.
I still believe that military service is a good thing. I firmly believe that most Americans would benefit from it. I urge those who haven't yet served who are of age to consider signing up and seeing what it's like to be a part of something bigger than yourself.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Sound Off!
Rep. Rangel's proposal would make draft eligible Americans between the ages of 18 and 42.
While I don't think it would go over well with America, I do think I support a draft. We have units that are going on their third tour in Iraq. We have a war in Afghanistan that has been pushed to the back burner while we're busy "winning" in Iraq. We have a force that is undersized for the task that has been asked of it by the administration, and one that needs help. Raising the enlistment age so that those ardent supporters of the war who were too old to enlist in the past didn't alleviate the problem - in part because many war supporters are too hypocritical to take their turn standing the line voluntarily - and additional motivation is needed. Freedom isn't free, and while it might be nice to say "I've supported the troops from the beginning," it's an even better thing to say "I support the troops because they are my comrades in arms. I served proudly alongside them and am honored to know that I helped them protect our country and the freedom we love so dearly." Trust me on this.
And maybe, just maybe, it will require future administrations to be a little less trigger happy when deciding to go to war.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Mmmm, lunch
We went to Bubba's, a burger shack on the south side of town, on the beltway. It literally was a shack - the kind of place that is either REALLY good or REALLY bad. Fortunately, it was the former. Talk about good eats. We all got buffalo burgers, except for the daughter and the little boy, who shared a grilled cheese and a hot dog.
The buffalo burgers were good - leaner than beef, with a little more flavor to them - and these were BURGERS - the kind you need to wrap up to eat because they get all over the place. If you're a carnivore in Houston, I highly recommend getting to this place - head west on Westpark Dr from downtown, and just a little before highway 59 - there it is. You'll like it.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Can you pass 8th grade Geography?
You Passed 8th Grade Geography |
![]() Congratulations, you got 8/10 correct! |
Separation of Powers
The courts have a job - their job is to rule on issues of law and determine if the issues of law are lawful or unlawful, legal or illegal, constitutional or unconstitutional.
a couple hundred years ago, one of the presidents asked the court whether a certain course of action would be appropriate. The Court refused to answer, because the Court does not have advisory power to the president. This was a big deal in ConLaw, but now I can't remember the details any more clearly than what I stated above.
Anyway, it appears the current president views his role with the courts somewhat differently. Ironically, the issue at hand stems from the president issuing a memorandum ordering a TX court to apply international law to a case. The TX Court of Criminal Appeals ruled on the matter and determined that the president exceeded his authority in dictating to the court how they should rule on an issue of law. This is a good decision, no matter how you slice it. The separation of powers doctrine is designed to prevent any one branch of government from gaining too much power over the others.
Now the case at issue was an appeal on Ex Parte Medellin. Jose Ernesto Medellin was convicted of the rape and murder of two teenage girls. He appealed the decision in part on grounds that his rights under the Vienna Convention were violated due to the fact that he was never advised of his right to talk to a Mexican consular official after his arrest. This claim may have merit, but there's one small problem - he didn't raise this issue at trial. This is where some knowledge of procedure comes into play - if you don't raise an issue at trial, under most circumstances, you have waived it, and cannot raise it for the first time on appeal. In other words, he is asking to be given something he didn't ask for at trial, which isn't allowed in our trial system. This is a judicial issue; the president has no business getting involved.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I is wordy
Your Vocabulary Score: A+ |
![]() Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary! You must be quite an erudite person. |
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Moving towards bipartisanship
You resubmit the same people who were opposed 3 months ago to try to get them approved before the Senate goes to an opposition majority. Because you said that you look forward to working in a bipartisan manner, because the people have spoken and they don't want partisan politics.
I don't know how qualified or unqualified the nominees are, nor do I care at this point; I just know that this is contrary to a stated desire to eliminate partisan politics.
Wednesday is Haiku Day
The plain language does not grant
It's hard to put a civics lesson in Haiku form.
Anyway, the Sixth Amendment grants the right of assistance of counsel, but does not expressly provide that a person can represent one's self. As such, one might argue, there is no Constitutional right to represent yourself in a criminal case.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Who needs an alarm clock?
We're a bevy of scintillating conversation at our house at 6 am.
Why all the illegal immigrants?
Or could it be due to all the abortions in the US creating a shortage of available US workers?
Monday, November 13, 2006
Cart before the horse
But it also means that I'm not done yet. While I don't fear failing - I should do well enough to not have to worry about that - I don't usually like to think too far ahead of myself because I tend to lose focus. For example, as I'm typing this, discussing next semester, I have TWO payment systems books open on the desk in front of me. Yet, instead of reading them (I justify this by saying I'm taking a break), I'm going to tell y'all what my next semester entails.
I have six classes next semester, though I'm only getting credit in five, and only have finals in three.
First, I have National Security law. This makes sense, inasmuch as I formerly was in the Air Force, and have a vested interest in national security.
Then I have NAFTA. I'm interested in international work, and there are not a WHOLE lot of classes available here with an international tone.
Then there's International Environmental law - see above.
Those are my classes with finals.
Then I have the Bar Pre-view class - to (ready for this?) help me get ready for the bar.
Next is Criminal Trial Advocacy. South Texas is "the advocacy school." It makes little sense to go through law school, especially the advocacy school, without getting some exposure to what trial court life is like.
Finally, I'm taking a transactional skills class in international business. Our school has limited transactional classes, and while I'm interested in international business, I think I'd have preferred the Contracts Negotiation class. Unfortunately, that filled up VERY quickly, and International Business is a more than satisfactory substitute.
Anyway, that's my next semester. Hopefully I'll be singing graduation-type songs in 6 months. Whodathunkit?!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Will the real G W please stand up?
Yesterday, President Bush signalled that a change in government leadership was not a sign that we were weak. He commented on past wars, not just the present one. His speech, while containing moments that arguably were partisan (such as his insinuation that he felt obligated to clarify that a switch to a democrat-controlled congress was not a sign of weakness), was less a political speech than last year's, and more of what one might consider a Veteran's Day speech - remembering the past, supporting the present.
My question is - which is the real president? Is he the divisive finger pointer, or is he the bipartisan cooperator, who wants what's best for the country and the military and not just what's best for the republicans? I hope that it's the latter, or at least that he can play at being the latter for the next two years. Those who went to war for all of America deserve that.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
The 11th day of the 11th Month
Friday, November 10, 2006
The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down to the big lake the call Gitchee Gumee
Marital Property
That's your Friday lesson. There will be a test later.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Plan for Victory
But today he says that he hears the people calling for a change. The people have been calling for a change for months now, yet the administration insisted they were going to stay the course - wait, last month they told us it was never stay the course - they were changing constantly, but always moving toward victory.
I want to know, what possible explanation could there be for the decider's actions other than the fact that the Democrats won? Does anyone honestly believe that Rumsfeld would be out of a job today had the elections not turned out the way they did yesterday? Does anyone think that the President would have "listened to the people" who had been calling for Rumsfeld's resignation had he still had a majority in the House? How did the war suddenly go from "we're making continued progess" to "it's time for a change in course" based on anything other than the election results? The president listened for once because he couldn't ignore; that's why the election results are good in my opinion.
Now, let's get a solid moderate party for a viable third option.
The Republicans lose
Congratulations on your election into office. This must be a happy day for you, as it is for so many others who have been elected into office. Now it's time to get ready to work, but before you do, may I say a few things?
First - You did not win this election. The other party lost it, either because he or she was viewed as too deferential to the president or because of scandal, or because the people in your district wanted a change and you happened to be the alternative. Be aware of this every day you are in office, as we have no compunction about voting you out in two years if you don't actively represent us and our interests.
Second - You are a representative. Despite your campaign to be a leader, it is especially important at this point in this administration's term that you act as a voice - a representative, if you will - speaking for those in your district.
Third - This term is about what is best for the country, not what is worst for the president. He is unpopular, and he has us in an unpopular war, but you must use caution in choosing a course of action. Do NOT seek out impeachment, or at the very least not until you have sought out a good faith inquiry into what is going on and attempted other courses of action.
Fourth - Think about why your opponent lost. Avoid the same mistakes. Don't be a congressman for the base, or for special interests, or for lobbyists. You received more votes in the election, but you don't represent just those who marked your name on the ballot; you represent everyone, whether they voted or not. Don't ever forget that. Think of this term as your job interview for your next term, as opposed to a campaign to get reelected.
Fifth - The other party is not necessarily wrong just on general principle. This may come as a surprise, but from time to time, both parties bring good proposals and bad proposals. Consider what is brought to the floor, not who brought it. Your representatives don't like bloc voting. Period.
Again, congratulations on your election into office. May the next two years show you to be a capable representative who serves us all well. If you can manage to do what I've suggested above, then who knows? Maybe you will win the next election, instead of merely being the one who got more votes.
Thank you,
An independent American
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
All kinds of ticked
I am happy to announce that I am registered for spring semester. I'm pissed, however, to announce that two of the classes that I most wanted to take were unavailable to me as a last-semester student because I didn't have enough hours to register at the start of the day. For whatever reason, the school decided to let students with 79+ hours register starting at 6 am, and not let the rest of the 3ls start registering until 11. This means that the transactional classes that we have available to us - and there are VERY few transactional courses available at "the advocacy school" - were already full by 11:02 when I finally managed to get onto the server. I did manage to get into one transactional skills class, though - so all is not lost.
Additionally, I got into 3 classes that I did want to take, though I had to miss out on First Amendment law because its final conflicted with my National Security law class, which I wanted a little more. That's all right - I got a little bit of First Amendment exposure when I was in Education Law last semester, and I have the general idea down all right.
I mostly just wish we had more transactional courses available to us, so that when the school sets an arbitrary hour requirement not in keeping with general educational credit schemes, we wouldn't be shut out.
Monday, November 06, 2006
There are no atheists during finals
One of the big pushes toward limiting the power of the "runaway judiciary" that has been allowing "activist judges" to legislate from the bench has been the perceived attack on Christianity by the ACLU to remove reference of God, Jesus, and Christianity from the schools. I've commented on this on a couple occasions in the past, both here and on other blogs. One of the things I commented on was that, while holding a mandatory "Bible class" in a public school has been ruled to be a violation of the First Amendment, an elective class that would result in no pressure being applied on students to take said class might work to be a permissible means of teaching the Bible in school. That is quite a generalization, and there would have to be a lot of items ironed out - proponents need to walk carefully along the path, but it could be viable.
This looks to be the course taken by a school district in Tennessee, though they appear to have put the measure on hold, waiting to see what might come. The measure would allow a Bible class to be taught, but the Bible would be the only text, and some of the citizens in the area (even proponents) appear to want a little more. Read the article; I'm not going to go into any greater detail, but I think it's a good example of a good start towards working into schools what so many on the Religious Right fringe have accused the courts of trying to kill. Undue Coercion is the key term here - let's see if it can be avoided!
I Want Candy
I always hear about kids eating candy until they get sick, but I always figured it was a figure of speech. That is, until Saturday, when we found the daughter was, in fact, ill. She was going at both ends, poor thing. I don't think it was due to eating all the candy, but that surely didn't help; anyway, she managed to associate the sick with the candy, and hasn't had any since Friday.
Sometimes, it's ok to have unintended consequences. She's fine now, and a little wiser for the wear. All in all, she's a good kid. All my young'uns are, even when they sneak candy.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Black is Black
Of course, then you grow up, and you realize that Sambo is a derisive term for blacks, and you hear that Little Black Sambo is a racist book. At least, that's what I'd heard. But is it?
I looked up the story on Wikidpedia, where I found out a few things about the book. First of all, it's set in India, not Africa. This makes sense, when you consider it's about tigers, and makes reference to "ghee" - butter. The author, Helen Bannerman, was a Scot who lived in India when she wrote the book. The story is about an Indian boy, who is given European "darky iconography," and hence looks black. Unfortunately, this information didn't make it across the Atlantic with the book, so in Jim Crow America, people saw the story of Little Black Sambo, they associated the image they saw with the blackface theatre to which they were accustomed, and adopted the term Sambo to be a racist word for blacks.
So what we ended up with is a book that is racist because it contains a name that didn't become a racist term until ignorant people misinterpreted it. It's such a shame that an innocuous children's book had to be the product of such a thing, especially a book about a clever boy.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Ethically Speaking
I'm confident that I got all the informed consent questions right, but as for everything else, I have my doubts. There's a chance I'll be taking this test again in March (though I hope not!)
Anyway, I'm either ethical enough to practice in TX, which has the second highest standard in the country (behind Utah), or I'm not ethical enough to be a scumbag lawyer (scary thought)
Friday, November 03, 2006
Show your support
I spent 8 years in the Air Force. During that time, I worked as many as 100 hours a week. I still managed to find a way to finish 2 associate's and 1 bachelor's degree while serving. After separation, I chose a new path - law school. I chose to enroll in law school full time, so that I could finish more quickly and get back to work to help my wife, who supports us by working while I am in school, better provide for our children. Yet, in spite of the fact that I am a veteran, and a veteran who knows how to think, I have my patriotism called into question by these same hypocrites who refuse to do what I did and what so many others have done by donning a uniform and declaring that they are willing to put their lives where their words go, because I dare to question the accuracy of what we are told by our CINC and his administration. I have been called a liberal because I disagree with what the president says. I am no liberal; I am an American, who belongs to no party, but who listens and reasons, and I believe that there are many questions out there that need answering; yet instead I hear oxymoronic rhetoric. Yet when I question this, I'm labeled instead of addressed.
Who is the less patriotic? The veteran who asks questions of the administration, or the civilian who supports a politician's war from his or her recliner?
For all you hypocrites out there, if you REALLY support the war, then shut up and show the troops that you mean it. Click here.
I think I slept wrong last night
I need a muscle relaxer.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Wednesday is Haiku Day
with fatigues boy, Darth Vader,
and hello kitty!
The kids had a great time. I got mosquito bit. Se la vie.
Share and Share Alike
3 Lbs boneless chuck roast
2carrots, julienned (Or you could use about 6-8 baby carrots)
1 Medium onion, cut in half, then sliced (so it looks like rainbows)
4 cloves of garlic, crushed
4 green onions, sliced lengthwise then cut into 1 cm slices
½ Tsp black pepper
2 Tsp toasted sesame seeds (not necessary, but looks nice)
Pinch MSG (says you gotta use it, don’t know why)
¼ cup sesame oil
1/3 cup sugar
1½ cups soy sauce
½ can (6 oz) Coca Cola
1 Tbsp Vinegar (rice vinegar works best)
1 Really big bowl
First, slice the chuck roast into really thin strips, as thin as you can. You will need a REALLY sharp knife for this. Trim off any excess fat as you go. If there happens to be a Korean grocery store in your area, then you can probably buy the meat already trimmed. Put all of this into a large bowl, ‘cause that’s where everything ends up. Add all of the rest of the ingredients; it doesn’t matter in what order. Mix it until all the meat and veggies are covered in the liquid marinade and cover. Let the mix sit overnight in the fridge or for 4+ hours on the counter. When you are ready to cook, break out a really big skillet and cook the mix over medium heart. Just add enough to cover the bottom of the pan; it will take several times to get it all cooked. When the meat is no longer red, it’s ready. It only takes a few minutes because the meat is so thin. Serve over a plate of steaming rice, of course. If you want, any remaining meat can be stored uncooked in the freezer for later use. This makes a LOT of bulgoki, but you'll be glad when you try it.
While I have no problem with Kikkoman or La Choy soy sauces with my chinese food, I recommend, if you have a good sized asian market near your place, to try to find a Korean brand of soy sauce. There's one brand (I can't think of the name right now) that has a dark beige cap, it's shaped sort of like a wine bottle, and it has some orange on the label. This is a little milder than what Kikkoman offers, and I think it works better on the bulgoki.
Now I invite my regular readers, all 5 of you, to share your favorites! Bon Apetit!