Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tuesday Essay Question

The Supreme Court ruled that, as a condition of their parole, California Parolees may be subjected to routine searches by police. This is conceivably due to a high rate of recividism in the group.

The vote was 6-3; you can probably guess the three.

Now the question for you is, "is this the right decision?"
Should a parolee be subjected to random searches by police? Should fourth amendment rights extend to parolees? Since parolees are still serving their sentence, do they get to enjoy all the rights of those who are not serving prison sentences?


nuje said...

"Should a parolee be subjected to random searches by police?"


"Should fourth amendment rights extend to parolees?"


"Since parolees are still serving their sentence, do they get to enjoy all the rights of those who are not serving prison sentences?"


Anonymous said...

Good essay, Nuje.

And I agree with it.

Bellejar said...

Yes they should. Parolees are not actually free men. They are paroled, I would assume there 4th amendment rights would not be that of those not on parole. How else could we tell the difference between parolees and non parolees? *grin*